Monday, March 15, 2010

SXSW Preview - Alphabeat

An internal dialogue from the mind of Nishiquah, circa earlier today:

"Oh my GOD!! Is Alphabeat really coming to SXSW? Really? This is beyond amazing; need to post about it STAT!"

-big happy grin spreads across face-

"But wait; can I really admit to the world my secret love for a Danish band who my Danish friends themselves tear apart for being ridiculously corny and over-the-top poppy?? Sure, my Danish friends are so hip they eat NME mags for breakfast and cigarettes & irony for dinner, but this is still a band who cites Madonna and 90s  dance music as their primary inspiration for their latest album. Yikes much?"

-furrows brow, indicating consternation-

"Surely I can. I mean, I regularly publicly admit to loving Abba and the Spice Girls. Doesn't Alphebeat's kitschy factor rank up their with the latter & former? Afterall, this Danish band has everything from synchronized hand-claps in their vids to highly ridiculous song titles such as 'Hole in my Heart' and 'Boyfriend.' Titles that could have easily belonged to the Spice or Abba. Yes, yes it's OK to publicly admit to liking loving them."

-breaths sigh of relief-

"Ooooh but the color-coordinated outfits. I forgot about those. I mean, they are pretty bad. Reaaaally bad, actually. The only thing that would make it worse - or better? - would be some matching burgundy ascots."

-curls lip in deep thought-

"OK, but a lot of bands are outfitted in a coordinated manner. I mean, legit bands like N'Sync and BSB cira 1998 wore matchy matchy stuff!! Also, Alphabeat has a male-female lead vocalist duo, which is so hip these days. Plus, the male is easy peasy, lemon-squeezy on the eyes. Surely that makes it more acceptable to like them?"

-quizzical realization hits, causing further reflection-

"Yes but then the lead female vocalist goes and mucks it all up with her dedication to truly awful headwear. Just look at this tin foily, antenna-emulating atrocity!"

//all pics via alphabeat myspace//

"Oh what the hell. I need coffee. Here, let's re-watch my favorite vid by them and ponder their spartan schedule."

Friday, March 19 at 12:45 AM La Zona Rosa
Saturday, March 20th at Perez Hilton Party, time TBD

"Can't change who I am or what I like, and apparently neither can Alphabeat. Bring on the easy cheesy."

-End monologue-

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