Monday, February 15, 2010

Make me Yelle

Freaking Yelle needs to come out with another album already. It's been nearly three years since her amazeballs debut, and it's been nearly a year since I saw her at SXSW last year.
Très mal, Madame Yelle. Très mal.

In case you haven't heard of Yelle, listen to her stuff and you'll fall in love instantly with her ferosh Euro-pop. Since my spectacular three years of high school French didn't stick much, I can't understand most of what she sings. But I actually really love hearing her belt it out in French (I've read translations, and her lyrics are clever/funny/racy/overall badass). Also, her colorful threads and sweet dance moves are a spectacle to behold. I neeeeeeed some fresh tunes of hers in my iPod rotation. If she would kindly oblige to my polite request, I think my gym attendance would increase considerably, and Austin DJs can bring back some sweet French action to their turntables that isn't Phoenix.

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